19 May 2011
After year and a half since the launch of Bananica.com V1, here it is, new, lighter and hopefully a bit easier on the eyes, Bananica.com V2.
First of all, I wanted this new design to be lighter (the old one was quite dark as you can see on the right). And I wanted it to be a bit more modern.
My initial idea was to alternate alignment of page sections, like those comb like bridge joints . Some people may find it weird (content glued to the right edge of the browser for example), especially those with big monitors, but I kinda like it. I'm not 100% happy with the design, but I do like it (we'll see for how long:).
I've made custom lightbox with a little help from jQuery. It's best feature is that it works with browser history (browser back/forward buttons) and you can send somebody an URL which will open the image you were looking at. Javascript tooltips are 'homemade' as well.
Content wise I've added a new work section which features some of my graphic design works, mostly logos.
I wonder when V3 will come to life :)
Wow! Tek sad vidio novi layout - cool majstore ;)
Imenjače, hvala ti na lepim rečima ;) Izdržao je test vremena, svidja mi se i nakon par meseci, što je retko slučaj :)